1. Working out at gyms has become a new trend among the younger generation these days. 最近在健身房健身已經變成年輕一代的新風潮。 【換句話說】 Going to fitness centers to get fit has become popular among today's younger generation. 2. There are all kinds of gear in the gym, like treadmills, stationary bikes, punching bags, and bench presses. 健身房裡有各式各樣的設施,像是跑步機、健身腳踏車、沙包和重量訓練機。 【換句話說】 There is a ton of stuff in a fitness center, like lifting weights, going swimming, playing basketball, and riding on stationary bikes. 3. If you want to enhance your body's physique, you can even hire a personal trainer to plan a fitness routine for you. 如果你想增強體格,甚至可以雇用個人健身教練,讓他幫你安排健身計畫。 【換句話說】 If you want to improve your body's physique, you could even get a personal trainer to tailor-make a fitness program for you.
4. Moreover, gyms also offer all kinds of classes, such as Pilates and yoga, and there're also whirlpools and steam rooms for you to relax. 而且,健身房還提供各種課程,像是皮拉提斯和瑜珈,而且還有按摩池和蒸氣室可以讓你放鬆一下。 【換句話說】 In addition, fitness centers offer a ton of classes, such as Pilates and yoga, and there're also whirlpools and steam rooms to help you relax. 5. A good exercise routine can make you feel energized and put you on the path to a healthier life! 好的運動計畫會讓你覺得精力充沛,還會帶你走向更健康的人生喔! 【換句話說】 A good fitness routine can give you energy and put you on the road to a more enjoyable life! ear (n.): 設備,裝備 treadmill (n.): 跑步機 enhance (v.): 提升 physique (n.): 體格 routine (n.): 程序,成套的動作 tailor-make (v.): 量身打造,特別設計 whirlpool (n.): 按摩池 energized (adj.): 有精神的
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